Victorian Branch History
By Long-Term Member Sandy Cameron
The inaugural meeting of the Victorian Branch of the Armstrong Siddeley Car Club was held at the home of Vic and Joyce Cheyney at Pascoe Vale on Sunday May 1st, 1966. This energetic and hospitable duo made all the arrangements for this first meeting and invited a combination of pre-existing members of the Armstrong Siddeley Car Club which was then based in Sydney and people known to Vic and Joyce who were either enthusiasts or Armstrong Siddeley owners. Thirty one people and fourteen Armstrong Siddeleys arrived and in his unique and gregarious style, Vic soon had everyone relaxed and introduced and soon had the meeting underway.The attendees and elected office bearers were:
- Wayne Darby & Margaret Ctercteko (3)
Branch Chairman: Vick CheyneySecretary: Joyce Cheyney (4) Events Organiser: Lou Corns Historian
: Selwyn Allen
- Doug was a mechanic from Specialty Car Repairs P/L - Armstrong Siddeley Specialists.
- Bob's wife Elsie accompanied him on many subsequent meetings and events.
- Margaret was later to become Mrs Darby.
- Reluctantly accepted this position after being nominated by her husband, the Branch Chairman.
Accompanying Colin Hallam at the second monthly meeting on June 5th 1966 at the same venue was Miss Margaret Cosgriff who later became Mrs Hallam. Amongst the new members at this meeting was Bruce Read who later became Branch Chairman and is still a member some forty three years on in 2009. Vic Cheyney declared himself ineligible to continue as Branch Chairman as his wife Joyce was the Secretary (there is perhaps a hint of deviousness here - see note 4 above). From the three nominations received, Ivan Bell won the role as Branch Chairman.
Early meetings were very formal but kept short so that the supper, talking, looking at the line of cars parked outside and partaking of liquid refreshments could begin. Nobody managed to leave before 11.30 pm. If you tried, Vic would catch you before you made it off the front verandah. A “dinner plate” sized hand would attach itself to your shoulder. The suggestion that you had another drink was made and your held shoulder was then lifted until your toes just touched the ground and you were turned around and guided back into the lounge room. Those who knew Vic will realise how easily he did this and that you would have not have had any hope of not complying. In keeping with this, it was appropriate that one of the early Branch outings was to Brown Brothers winery.
The first Branch outing was a full-day trip to country Victoria to visit Harry and Pat Lowden's home at Beeac on the fringe of the prime wool growing area of the Western District. A viewing of their collection of cars was a highlight. The outing was a great success and it set the scene for enthusiastic on-going Branch camaraderie.One factor that has always appealed to Branch members is that people from so many different backgrounds are bought together by a common interest. The growing-up process of many young members has benefited from this as they have been able to meet with a diverse group of people and absorb their differing thoughts and opinions about many diverse topics.