The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club

Spares policy and procedures

Pricing policy

ASSA (Armstrong Siddeley Spares Australia) is an arm of The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club (Australia) formed to source and provide spares to members of the Club.  ASSA sells parts at cost plus a small margin.  This small profit enables ASSA to fund the regular manufacture of new parts.  Examples are: rubbers for most post-war cars; 10 and 30 thou oversize bearings for 18HPs and 346s; overhauled wheel cylinders; gaskets; Star disc brake rotors, water pump bodies for 346/234/Star etc.  Where item costs are not known, ASSA sells at market price after looking at similar organisations on-line.

Members only

To be able to sell spare parts to members of the public, ASSA would have to operate the business like a shop, with all the tax implications involved, including paying company tax.  Any ‘profit' we might have funds purchases of new parts as soon as practicable.  We choose to remain a private club servicing only our members.  That means to buy parts from ASSA you need to join The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club (Australia). 

To purchase your needed part

It is sometimes difficult for the Parts Manager to identify the part you need from telephone or email discussions. We recommend you buy a spare parts list for your car from ASSA.  Those lists have good exploded diagrams of most of the mechanical parts so you can identify the exact part you need.  Lists are available on hard copy, CD or USB.  Use the part number from the list to enquire from ASSA via the website or direct to Geoff Tuckwell at 

Parts held

ASSA aims to source and stock any Armstrong Siddeley car parts that are not easily bought in the general market.  Most of our holdings are for post war cars and have come from the ex-Stokoe Motors spares, the ex-Buckle Motors spares, the Sutton and Bradly holdings and re-manufactured items.  We have over 3000 different lines in stock including new stock from the 1950's.  We don't advertise all our stock in detail so that rare items are still available in stock when needed by members.  Check with ASSA when you need a part.

ASSA costs

ASSA operates on a shoestring.  The Canberra Branch of the ASCC funds the premises and electricity from income earned by providing locked parking for members' cars.  Packing and postage is recovered from the members buying parts.  ASSA also covers stationery costs e.g. invoice books, packaging tape, stock labels, etc.  The staff volunteers its services, so there are no wages or honoraria. 

Policy review

Any of these policies can, of course, be reviewed by the members of the ASCC through annual general meetings or through the ASCC Board.

Related pages

Spare Parts Policy
The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club
Armstrong Siddeley Car Club The Court House 325 High Street Learmonth VIC 3352
Phone Cameron Wright, President, 0408 595 461
ACN 001 059 212
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